'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 666건
- 2021.06.11 spring, ResponseBodyAdvice
- 2021.06.11 mysql, procedure, while
- 2021.06.10 spring, @value annotation
- 2021.06.09 reactor, Scheduler elastic
- 2021.06.09 mysql, in clause order
- 2021.06.08 linux, find extension or
- 2021.06.04 mysql, procedure debug
- 2021.05.28 curl, json
- 2021.05.28 http3
- 2021.05.28 오피스, 한글 자동변환 끄기
OUT o_return INT
, OUT o_row_count INT
-- -------------------------------------
-- declare (BEGIN)
-- -------------------------------------
DECLARE v_abc VARCHAR(100) CHARSET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT 'RemoveApiLogBatch';
-- -------------------------------------
-- declare (END)
-- -------------------------------------
SET ii = 0;
label1: WHILE ii < v_max_cnt DO
SET @query = CONCAT (
PREPARE stmt FROM @query;
SELECT ROW_COUNT(), LAST_INSERT_ID() INTO @row_count, @last_insert_id;
IF @row_count < v_unit_cnt THEN
LEAVE label1; /* 종료 */
SET ii = ii + 1;
END WHILE label1;
SET o_return = 0, o_row_count = @row_count;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
@Deprecated public static Scheduler elastic()
Deprecated. use boundedElastic(), to be removed in 3.5.0
Scheduler that dynamically creates ExecutorService-based Workers and caches the thread pools, reusing them once the Workers have been shut down.
The maximum number of created thread pools is unbounded.
The default time-to-live for unused thread pools is 60 seconds, use the appropriate factory to set a different value.
This scheduler is not restartable.
Returns:default instance of a Scheduler that dynamically creates ExecutorService-based Workers and caches the threads, reusing them once the Workers have been shut down
-- in clause order
create table test111 (num int);
insert into test111 values (1);
insert into test111 values (2);
insert into test111 values (3);
insert into test111 values (4);
insert into test111 values (5);
insert into test111 values (6);
insert into test111 values (7);
insert into test111 values (8);
insert into test111 values (9);
insert into test111 values (10);
insert into test111 values (11);
insert into test111 values (12);
insert into test111 values (13);
insert into test111 values (14);
insert into test111 values (15);
insert into test111 values (16);
select * from test111;
SELECT * FROM test111
WHERE num IN (5,2,6,8,12,1)
ORDER BY FIELD(num,5,2,6,8,12,1);
find . -type f \( -name '*.java' -o -name '*.yml' \)
$ cat f.sh
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
"ordercount": 2,
"itemid": 1234
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