# systemctl stop tomcat  
systemctl status tomcat
systemctl start tomcat 
systemctl status tomcat

톰캣에서 관리하는 메모리는 64M 라고 합니다. 아마 한 서블릿 당 그렇겠죠 메모리 부족으로 인한 에러가 나면 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m 처럼 늘리면 된다고 하네요 http://tomcat.apache.org/faq/memory.html

db (oracle) lock 상태일 때 catalina 로그 dead lock retry wait=<10000> driver= driver name= number of *free* connections=<0> max con=<0> min con=<50> prepared stmt cache size=<16> transaction manager= xid connection size=<0> StandardConnectionPoolDataSource: master prepared stmt cache size=<2> prepared stmt cache size =<16> StandardDataSource: driver= url= user= CoreDataSource : debug = description = login time out =<60> user = verbose = GenericPool: num of element =<10> minSize =<10> maxSize =<10> lifeTime =<600000> ngeneration =<1> getLockedObjectCount() =<1> getUnlockedObjectCount() =<0> getDeadLockMaxWait() =<300000> getDeadLockRetryWait() =<10000> Unlocked pool: Locked pool: